Customer Journey
The digital journey of a customer.
Let’s be honest. The digital journey of a customer is pretty much the best thing that marketing executives can make use of. Rarely in the history of advertising, it was easier to find customers according to their interests and desires and to speak directly to them. To cut it short, a marketing Eldorado.
However, with the transparency of customers, companies are increasingly exposed to new competition and new performance pressures. Moreover, customers have now become more mature and volatile, because the competition is often just one click away. Weak customer loyalty measures and unused conversion optimisation reduce the customer life cycle and leave the potential unutilised.

As an agency, we increasingly see the individual customer journey in the digital world as something that has countless contact points. Not everyone can be reached to the same extent. Therefore, it is important to have thought-through messages, precise technical analyses (there is plenty of customer data) and a clear strategy approach. This is what we are good at.
Customer Engagement
Halleluja for customer engagement.
After the purchase is before the purchase. Especially the “before” reveals, in the fast-moving digital world, much about the connection with the customer. This is because, who consumes online also wants to receive good advice and be treated well, just like in real life. A catchy product presentation, 24/7 advice on all channels and suitable tips for daily use/care are important anchor points in marketing.
The individual search-, click- and surf-behaviour – nowadays technologically possible – provide countless suggestions on how a customer would like to be treated. This applies, on the one hand, to technological recognition, i.e. the digital footprint. On the other hand, it involves automation processes throughout the communication (e-mail marketing, profile messages, personalised advertising campaigns, etc.). Many customers appreciate service and expect to be guided also online. The fact is that, each customer group must be understood in order to be able to build up correctly customer engagement and added value.
The goal is an optimal understanding of the customer. No ifs and buts.
Clear message, clear conversion
When we digitally address customers and prospect buyers, then we usually also want something from them. Therefore, an interaction is expected and, in most cases, this consists in the purchase, the registration, the download. It is even sad when the message is clear, but the goal is not. Each target site is also a landing page and, as such, it should exclusively contain the expected information. Too many good cooks spoil the broth – unfortunately, this happens also in the digital world.
In practice, often there is too much information, too little structure, no thought-through usability, no clear call-to-action. The customer is lost, is not optimally guided and feels badly understood. For this reason, we recommend that you test out what works and always observe from which phase the prospective customer is coming (signal behaviour).
Always keep an eye on the diverse topics – i.e. advertising, the “destination” as well as the generation process (leads, purchases). Here, the individual customer journey represents an important starting point.
Understand customers and guide them correctly. Test, optimise, achieve goals.
Technological Setup
Tactically speaking, many campaigns are set up properly to attract the interest of customers. The logical consequence: interactions and expectations. Expectations, in particular, are based on the experience gained so far in the online world and the so-called system transactions. Depending on the overall strategy chosen and implemented by a company with the appropriate measures, other system mechanisms are selected and used. At the end of the day, however, in order to have a perfect turnover from a digital strategy, technological tools and measurability always count. Experience shows that, many customers underestimate the issue.
The technological setup is like the foundation of a house. If it is laid in a clean and sufficiently controlled manner, it can be considered apt for any further phase. If it lacks something, you will realise later the damages, which are actually difficult to fix. Data flows and their analyses are the daily currency in the online business. They constitute the foundation stone for all other interactions. Without this foundation, no strategy can be pursued, and without a strategy, we cannot achieve our goals. What do we start with?
Strategy is based on knowledge and data – this is demonstrated by experience in digital business.