Digital Screening
Only when processes are understood can a sustainable strategy emerge and well-grounded decisions be made.
Understanding processes
If you want to achieve digital success, you must have a functioning basis. Here, looking
behind the scenes is important, because only when processes are understood, a sustainable
strategy can be created and well-grounded decisions can be made. Digital screening is
designed to accurately analyse key strategic themes for the digital backbone.
We provide the first ten questions a company should ask itself when it comes to evaluating
digital marketing:

Do you have a detailed and holistic strategy for your digital marketing including
time, budget, resource planning as well as the definition of milestones and
strategy building blocks?Were target audience segments and their customer journey analysed?
Have you already defined different appeals for each stage of the funnel and for
different channels?Does your marketing mix form a balanced and efficient relationship between paid,
owned and earned media?How can you make sure that you are already using the best tools and technologies for your needs?
Do your online and offline measures and their success analysis intertwine with
each other?Do you already use cross-device tracking solutions?
How do you evaluate to what extent your campaigns are paying off in terms of the
goals of your digital marketing strategy?How do you efficiently combine together the analysis and evaluation of the various marketing tools?
Are you best placed in terms of internal resources as well as cooperation with
external service providers?
By now, for some of you the digital think tank will start struggling to formulate the first
answers. As a consulting agency, we will be glad to assist you in processing and formulating
the answers and, subsequently, in the development of relevant solutions.
And by the way, we know of course the five classic mistakes in the adaptation of digital
strategies when entering the realm of digital marketing. Interested?